Drupal Quick Tips for creating content

Tips for editorial offices

For us as professionals many things in Drupal are self-evident and obvious. In the editorial department, however, one or the other thing can lead to question marks among the users or to small problems. Here you can find our top list of these little things. If not already known, please include the following things in your daily work.


Formatting and layout

  • Always insert the protocol (http / https) for external links. If this is not placed at the beginning, the path is considered an internal link.
  • Delete the formatting when copying text into a text field. The easiest way to do this is to copy the text into a simple text editor and from there to Drupal. Word or PDF documents contain hidden formatting, which is usually copied with the text. This can affect the layout in Drupal unplanned.
  • Let the CSS do the formatting and do as little formatting as necessary in the text fields themselves. On the one hand, the presentation is deliberately chosen consistently, and on the other hand, overwriting the CSS can often result in errors.

Data and media

  • Use the bulk upload to upload multiple media (images, videos, documents) in one step.
  • Sort media in galleries thematically, so you can find and use them faster for other contributions.


  • Use the easy SEO possibilities for every site that Drupal brings along. This includes the "Meta description" with which you can control which markup text is displayed on Google or other search engines.


  • Use the revision history to get an overview of the changes made. This allows you to track every change (with time and author) and also jump back to a previous state.
  • If you need different environments, create bookmarks and quicklinks to quickly navigate to the right place.
Simone Oppermann
  • Scrum-Masterin
  • Account-Managerin

Simone gehört seit 2020 zum festen undpaul-Team. Bereits 2012 war sie als Studentin bei uns und hat für ihre Masterarbeit eine responsive Drupal-Seite gebaut.

Neue Dinge kennenlernen macht Spaß, sagt sie. So hat Simone u. a. Zertifizierungen als Scrum Masterin und Eventmanagerin.

Wenn Zeit und Budget es zulassen, ist sie auf Reisen irgendwo in der Welt zu finden.