video auf iphone und ipad

Videos on iPhone and iPad

I guess a lot of people that have to deal with integrating videos on a website for iPhone and iPad, will - at some point - run into the problem that some videos simply won't

Relaunch of undpaul website

We did it. Drupal shops and other website companies are sometimes very fast in creating a new site for a client. But not so with their own website. It took us about half a year

Help build a crowdsourced Video to celebrate the Drupal 7 release

Drupal 7 has cost enormous blood, sweat and tears. Now's the time for celebrating. And hey, there are the release parties. To combine this with marketing, there is something else we could do. The style
© by Andrey Psenichny
© by Andrey Psenichny

Drupal Design Camp Prague - Big Plans for Designers in Drupal

Design Camp Prague was great. I met quite some people I did not know. A strange feeling to be in a Drupal crowd that was not dominated by developers... Well, actually it was not dominated

Integrate Rules with Webform

Webform is a great module to build simple to complex forms for users to fill out, but it has no built-in way to trigger events for Rules . Unfortunately the maintainer is not going to
Nachbericht Drupal Sprint

Drupal Sprint Camp Wrapup

On Oct 16/17th we held the Drupal 7 Sprintcamp in Hannover. We met with 40 Drupal Workers of all flavors to give a boost to Drupal 7. Beyond the main focus on D7 we also
Galerie Ergebnis Bild 2

Creating an inline Image Gallery

This tutorial shows a quick and easy way of creating an inline image gallery. Our goal is to add an arbitrary number of images to content (say of the content type "page"). We want to

Drupal 7 Sprint Camp in Hannover

This weekend, undpaul is proud to present the Drupal 7 Sprint Camp in Hannover in collaboration with the German Drupal Initiative . Note the absence of "code" in the name ;) We are happy to
CXO brussel

The first Drupal Executives Meetup in Brussels

Last weekend (Oct. 9./10.) the first Drupal Executives Meetup (DrupalCXO) took place in Brussels. DrupalCXO is a business event specifically for Drupal Executives and was held in in a venue provided to us by Microsoft

Drupal and Media Queries: more control of your styles

With CSS3 the W3C has introduced a new goodie for design on the web: Media Queries . Until then stylesheets could only be called conditionally by using media types like "print" or "screen". Media Queries