Steffen is a Drupal allrounder, with many years of experience in module development, as well as theming and sitebuilding. He is also Acquia certified.

Drupal experience
Acquia Certified Developer Badge
  • Acquia Certified Developer since July 2014

Recent blog posts by Steffen

Theming in Drupal 8 with Twig (Part 2)

Following up on the first blog post on Theming in Drupal 8 with Twig, this second part will cover Twig's syntax. In order to explain these changes more clearly I want to compare the known

Theming in Drupal 8 with Twig (Part 1)

Besides fundamental changes in the backend of Drupal 8 (i.e usage of several Symfony 2 components) a new theme engine called Twig is also introduced to Drupal. In the course of further development of Drupal
Imagestyle Watermark

Domain Access - define image styles per domain

Image Style Basics Drupal offers the possibility to easily process images via image styles (formerly known as imagecache presets). In our current case of a photo heavy website we had to integrate a watermark image
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